Sliding Knot Necklace – Complete with a Blooper!

I kept meaning to make a tutorial on how to make a sliding knot, so you can adjust the length of your necklace or bracelet on the fly.  I just never got around to it, until one day I was staring at my beading stash and spied the leather cording.  Ah hah!  Time to do that sliding knot video!

But First – Why Use a Sliding Knot?

I don’t know about you, but there are times that I wish a particular necklace was on a slightly longer or shorter chain, depending on the clothes I am wearing.  A sliding knot lets you adjust the length without having to run off to get a pair of pliers.  Or have to take the pendant off one chain or cord and place it on another.

And you do it while you are wearing it, so changing the length is easy as changing your mind.  😉

Video and My Oops!

I’ll make this post short and let you watch the video, complete with instructions of how – and how not  – to make your own necklance, LOL!  I hope you get a chuckle out of it.

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